
Heart and Advocacy

Nicky West
Heart and Advocacy

Being Present

It's been a while since I've posted here, time has morphed and I've adapted and morphed with it!  I imagine for many of us it's been a case of finding our edges, capacity and (hopefully) supportive resources.  I'm just back from a trip home to the UK, ahhh loved the long light days!  It's been 7 years, way too long and this trip was about connection with family and advocating for and with my parents as they navigate this next stage in life. 

My mum has...

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Self-Care Conversations: The Power of Yoga and Voice


Self Care Conversations Episode 2 from Jane Hardy on Vimeo.  The Power of Yoga and Voice with Nicky West.

I hope everyone is keeping well. It was wonderful to be interviewed by Jane Hardy from last week about self-care during this time of isolation. I hope you enjoy. She has regular interviews happening at the moment all around different ways to approach self-care.

I moved my classes and most of my one to one clients online on March 23rd. It's lifted us all to...

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Who’s running the show? You’re inner kiddo or CEO?

Eye to Eye with a Quoll.

I sat outside on my deck, enjoying some winter sun, deep in thought when BAM a ‘Quoll’ jumped up, right in front of me. We were eye to eye. I stayed completely still, in awe, then took a photo when I saw his leg injury. The Quoll seemed to be looking at me and but was likely sniffing me or food out in the air. I phoned Wires (The Wildlife Rescue service here) and kept an eye out to see if he would come back. He hasn’t as far as I know, despite...

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15 Lessons from 15 Years of Marriage

I’m not sure why but I desperately wanted to visit Australia during my early teens.  At 16 yrs old, I borrowed a book from the library with offers for ‘jobs abroad’.  Sat in my bedroom clutching the book, I carefully hand wrote letters to various fruit picking farms all over Australia. 

Amazingly I got a letter back from somewhere in Western Australia offering me a job! I remember the excitement, although there was one big problem.  I needed permission...

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Spoken Word Part 2


Here's part 2 of Wollombi Spoken Word night.  Enjoy xo

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Spoken Word Part 1


Part 1

Performing some of my writing at an open mic night on 1st December 2018 in Wollombi.  Always good to do something that scares/challenges/stretches you a little once a year or more!  This was one of mine to close out 2018 along with camera wobbles and colour balance craziness!  What’s yours?  There’s still time… little steps and celebration are two things worth cultivating, little steps because we’re always making progress (even if it feels...

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The Power of Your Voice

Connect to your power

The power of your voice

The kindness

The fierceness

The privilege of that choice


Connect to your power

The power of listening

Hear the whispering of your heart

Intuition is your art


Connect to your power

The power of your mind

To hold opposing views

To be kind in our judgements

To be kind in the blues

To remind our sweet mind

That it doesn’t control you


Connect to your power

The power of your soul

This has no words

Trust in the unknown


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Showing up – what does it mean?

Showing up – what does it mean?

I decided this year was going to be about showing up.  To be honest I previously avoided this phrase, to me it meant putting on a song and dance whilst being everywhere at once all shiny and happy.  Of course, it doesn’t have to mean anything of the sort.   Life isn’t like that, there are rhythms and cycles with the result that our best intentions going AWOL at times. 

We’re more than halfway through the...

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Me Too

I want to live in a world where women feel safe,

to be who we are

without shame or disgrace.

To reclaim past suffering

as power & strength.

To laugh in a cacophony

in circles, in tents,

wherever we gather

to nourish our roots,

to be seen & heard

our thirst quenched with fruits;

The fruits of our ancestors

seeds as they marched.

The flowers from centuries

of broken hearts.

The tears that have watered

those seeds to grow

into choices, opportunities,

the privilege to show


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Confidence and Vulnerability

What is confidence really?  I’ve been thinking about confidence, my own and others perception of what confidence is.  To me, having more confidence is about self-trust, inner belief, courage and vulnerability.  Which doesn’t mean everything will be perfect and turn out as expected, although it can.  It’s more to do with having inner confidence or trust that we can handle it if things don’t go to plan. 

I think we build resilience, trust and...

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