
Booed on stage: Lessons in Confidence and Courage

I want to share a personal story with you today, one that reminds me of how important it is to rise back up after failure and the lessons we can learn when things don’t go as planned.

About 30 years ago, when I was studying for a degree in theatre and performance at drama school, I found myself presenting a show with a friend of mine.  It was actually her show, and I was helping her out. I said yes because I wanted to support her, and although I was confident getting on stage...

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Speaking up to an intimidating boss

Uncategorized Oct 01, 2024

Many years ago, just after leaving drama school, I moved to London. In between acting gigs, I worked a variety of odd jobs to keep things going, from nightclubs to temping in offices and even working for a private detective, I did a bit of everything. One of those roles was as a PA at an accounting firm in the city.

My boss was an intimidating person who often belittled and disrespected his staff. The people who worked there were terrified to speak up, understandably so; many had families and...

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Embody Voice Confidence Immersion: Registration is open!

coaching confidence voice Sep 25, 2024

I hope you’re enjoying this time of transition in spring or autumn, wherever you are. The recent equinox was such a powerful moment—a time to pause, reflect, and set intentions for the rest of the year.  I carved out some sacred space to create a ritual and set my own intentions, it was very potent and a stream of spoken word guidance came through.  I encourage you to do whatever resonates with you to mark moments, seasons and passages of time, whether it’s...

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Happy New Year! What's been, what's ahead and a poem by Rumi


Happy New (Gregorian) Year!  I hope you've had a restful and fun break.  I've recorded a short Rumi poem above and a reflection of what's been and what's ahead below.  Thank you for reading    

What's been...

Since 2019 it's definitely been a rollercoaster both personally and globally.  The troubles globally continue and deserve a separate post for my thoughts around this, and of course we're interconnected, there is always an impact felt in whatever capacity for...

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Finding Your Voice To Celebrate Your Loved One's Life


Sadly, my mum died in May this year, she was 76.  My dad phoned me and although it wasn't unexpected, the timing was and of course we can never time these things.  I'd desperately wanted to be there, or at least someone she loved be there, my dad was sick and hadn't been for a few days, nor my sister and I was back here in Australia, so she died alone in the nursing home after feistily refusing her breakfast that morning from the nurse.  I'm grateful she had a bed and...

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Heart and Advocacy

Nicky West
Heart and Advocacy

Being Present

It's been a while since I've posted here, time has morphed and I've adapted and morphed with it!  I imagine for many of us it's been a case of finding our edges, capacity and (hopefully) supportive resources.  I'm just back from a trip home to the UK, ahhh loved the long light days!  It's been 7 years, way too long and this trip was about connection with family and advocating for and with my parents as they navigate this next stage in life. 

My mum has...

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Self-Care Conversations: The Power of Yoga and Voice


Self Care Conversations Episode 2 from Jane Hardy on Vimeo.  The Power of Yoga and Voice with Nicky West.

I hope everyone is keeping well. It was wonderful to be interviewed by Jane Hardy from last week about self-care during this time of isolation. I hope you enjoy. She has regular interviews happening at the moment all around different ways to approach self-care.

I moved my classes and most of my one to one clients online on March 23rd. It's lifted us all to...

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Whoā€™s running the show? Youā€™re inner kiddo or CEO?

Eye to Eye with a Quoll.

I sat outside on my deck, enjoying some winter sun, deep in thought when BAM a ‘Quoll’ jumped up, right in front of me. We were eye to eye. I stayed completely still, in awe, then took a photo when I saw his leg injury. The Quoll seemed to be looking at me and but was likely sniffing me or food out in the air. I phoned Wires (The Wildlife Rescue service here) and kept an eye out to see if he would come back. He hasn’t as far as I know, despite...

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15 Lessons from 15 Years of Marriage

I’m not sure why but I desperately wanted to visit Australia during my early teens.  At 16 yrs old, I borrowed a book from the library with offers for ‘jobs abroad’.  Sat in my bedroom clutching the book, I carefully hand wrote letters to various fruit picking farms all over Australia. 

Amazingly I got a letter back from somewhere in Western Australia offering me a job! I remember the excitement, although there was one big problem.  I needed permission...

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Spoken Word Part 2


Here's part 2 of Wollombi Spoken Word night.  Enjoy xo

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50% Complete

Join me below, don't forget to confirm your email.  You'll be able to download your relaxation straight away and look out for your yoga class recording tomorrow.  Have a wonderful day.